Volume 10 | Issue 2 | Nov 2022

Editorial – Janice Bland

The editorial considers the concept of interculturality as characterized by its plurality. Interculturality relies on a fluid notion of culture and cultural diversity and rejects the idea of whole nations embodying frozen one-dimensional expressions of culture. read more

Article 1 – David Valente & Sandie Mourão

The first article focuses on intercultural citizenship education and professional development with picturebooks. The paper records the highlights and challenges of an in-service and pre-service development course that formed a central part of the Erasmus+ project ICEPELL. read more

Article 2 – Alison Hasegawa et al.

This article deliberates on widening children’s horizons with picturebooks. The authors share with us their explorations in different Japanese settings: a preschool, a state primary school and an out-of-school picturebook read-aloud group, always with the aim to support a deeper understanding of aspects of the children’s own and others’ cultural identities. read more

Article 3 – Jennifer Thomas et al.

The authors of this article demonstrate how a multimodal approach may lead to an in-depth reading of a young adult or crossover novel (The Book Thief, 2005) on complex themes around ideological control and persecution, against the landscape of contemporary Indian politics. read more

Article 4 – Dolores Miralles-Alberola

A pedagogic experiment in the Spanish context is shared, which allowed student teachers to explore very different texts from the canonical books typically used in English language education with student teachers, namely a spectrum of Native American children’s literature with the aim of critical literacy and intercultural citizenship. read more

Article 5 – Ana Cecilia Cad et al.

The last article in this special issue focuses on picturebooks and environmental awareness. The recent wildfire devastation in Argentina has been catastrophic, and authors Cad, Liruso and Requena exemplify an approach that introduces ideas about environmental citizenship already in the ELT primary context. read more

Introduced by – David Valente

Briggs, Raymond (1978) The Snowman
Briggs, Raymond (1984) The Tin-Pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman
Rushdie, Salman (1990) Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Rushdie, Salman (2010) Luka and the Fire of Life read more

Recommended by – Kirsten Birsak de Jersey

The ICEKits are a teaching resource from the Erasmus+ project, Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in Early English Language Learning (ICEPELL), recommended by Kirsten Birsak de Jersey. read more
