Volume 6 | Issue 2 | November 2018

Contents & Editorial

With the editorial, ELT as a Pluricultural Space, Janice Bland and Sandie Mourão reflect on the affordances of children’s literature for supporting and developing a plurilingual space in the ELT classroom. read more

Article 1: Translanguaging and Picturebooks

Saskia Kersten and Christian Ludwig explore the awareness of plurilingualism and multilingualism using a bilingual picturebook and suggest that the creation of a translanguaging space may be relevant in all ELT contexts. read more

Article 2: Minority Cultures

Margarida Morgado showcases how My Two Blankets (2014) may be utilized as the content in a CLIL approach to promote primary school children’s cognition about language learning and cultural identity. read more

Recommended Reads

Hosseini, Khaled & Williams, Dan (2018). Sea Prayer
Gray, Kes & Field, Jim (2014). Oi Frog!
Munsch, Robert & Martchenko, Michael (1998). Andrew’s Loose Tooth
Gray, Kes & Sharratt, Nick (2000). Eat Your Peas read more

Book Review

Maria Eisenmann reviews the recent edited volume, Using Literature in English Language Education. Challenging Reading for 8-18 Year Olds, (Janice Bland (Ed.) 2018, Bloomsbury). read more
