Children’s Literature in English Language Education
Editorial team
Janice Bland (editor-in-chief)
Jade Dillon Craig (editor)
Michael Prusse (editor)
David Valente (reviews editor)
Alyssa Lowery (recommended reads)
Copyediting team
Joel Guttke
Bill Templer
Web editor
Ina Batzke
Christiane Lütge
Sandie Mourão
Susanne Reichl
Children’s Literature in English Language Education is a bi-annual, comprehensively peer-reviewed online journal for scholars, teacher educators and practitioners involved in using and researching children’s literature in the field of English learning as a second, additional or foreign language. The journal investigates children’s literature as an art form, and as a framework with which to connect L2 literature teaching across the school years. The scope covers the affordances of children’s literature for L2 acquisition, intercultural learning and global issues education with pre-school children through to young adults.
Children’s Literature in English Language Education will consider contributions on all kinds of children’s literature: fiction and non-fiction, oral storytelling and picturebooks, fairy tales and poetry, comics and graphic novels, educational drama and plays for children and young adults, children’s films and language learner literature. Contributions are solicited that cover the theory and practice of children’s literature in the English language classroom, encompassing the sharing of research projects and results, in-depth textual analysis and interpretation, teaching ideas as well as writing and adapting literature for second language education on any of the following topics:
- visual literacy
- critical literacy
- interculturality, citizenship, environment & ideology issues
- literary language play & children’s creative writing
- teacher education, methodologies & materials design
- inclusion & diversity, including racism & ethnicity, multilingualism, disability, age, gender & sexual orientation, religion & belief
Open Access Statement
Children’s Literature in English Language Education is committed to immediate open access for scholarship. All of the journal’s articles and book reviews are free to access from the date of publication. There are no article processing charges (APCs), and no charge for the downloading of articles and book reviews for scholarly use. This is known as diamond open access. To facilitate this, Children’s Literature in English Language Education depends upon volunteers (the editorial team and the copyediting team), and the continuing support of its network of peer reviewers comprising the editorial review board. In addition, the journal is sponsored by the Nord Research Group for Children’s Literature in English Language Teaching, led by Janice Bland, Nord University. The CLELEjournal operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-SA. This license lets others adapt and build upon the author’s work – with the appropriate citation of the author and Children’s Literature in English Language Education as place of original publication – free of charge. The new work should be licensed under the same terms.
All authors publishing with Children’s Literature in English Language Education accept these as the terms of publication. Please note that copyright of the content of all articles and book reviews remains with the designated author.
Janice Bland is Professor of English Education at Nord University, Norway. Her main interests are children’s and young adult literature in ELT, multiple literacies and deep reading, creative writing and drama methodology.
Jade Dillon Craig is associate professor of children’s literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her research interests include Alice studies, constructions of girlhood in children’s literature, picturebooks, and other visual texts for young learners.
Michael C. Prusse is Professor of English Teacher Education at the Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. His research focuses on CYAL in English language teaching (ELT), literature and cultural studies in ELT, and teaching English in professional contexts.
David Valente is a PhD research fellow in English teacher education at Nord University in Norway. His research explores intercultural citizenship learning through picturebooks in primary English teacher education. David is also the communications director for the Early Language Learning Research Association (ELLRA).
Alyssa Lowery is an associate professor of children’s literature and young learners in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s department of teacher education in the section for English and foreign languages. She is an American-born researcher with a focus on popular children’s and family media.
Joel Guttke is a research assistant in ELT at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His empirical research revolves around instructional quality at primary level with a particular focus on higher-order thinking skills.
Bill Templer is a Chicago-born educator with research interests in the politics of English as a lingua franca, critical pedagogy, minority studies and social justice issues in EFL. He is active within BETA and GISIG in IATEFL, and is based as an independent researcher in eastern Bulgaria.
Ina Batzke is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in American Studies at Augsburg University, Germany. Next to her academic interests which include life writing, ecocriticism, and Inter-American Studies, she enjoys being a technical / web editor for several online journals, among them CLELE, Textpraxis, and the European Journal for American Studies (EJAS).
Past team members
Christiane Lütge is Professor and Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the English Department of Munich University, Germany. Her main areas of interest include literature and culture in the EFL classroom, media literacy, children’s literature in language education, teaching Shakespeare and foreign language teacher education.
Sandie Mourão, Editor Emerita, is a postdoc research fellow at Nova University Lisbon, with over 30 years of experience in ELT as a teacher, teacher educator, and educational consultant. She is presently investigating children’s literature for intercultural citizenship education in primary ELT.
Susanne Reichl is professor of contemporary literature of English and head of the interdisciplinary research platform #YouthMediaLife at Vienna University. Her research interests include CYAL, teaching literature at secondary and tertiary level, social reading phenomena, and time travel narratives.
… and by the way, we pronounce CLELE to rhyme with FREELY.